Peach and Her Plumber - Vlog 6
In this vlog I create a Gothic Castle featuring Princess Peach in stained glass, and a Peter Rabbit themed birthday cake for Olivia.
VIDEO vvvvv
First up was the beast of a castle cake, it was almost 2 and a half foot high and featured Princess Peach as a brunette.

We headed to Allerton Castle to set this up which was a stunning ornate gothic castle. The doors inside were HUGE. I just love that the bride's maiden name was Peach - hence Princess Peach, and she was marrying a PLUMBER!!! No, not Mario....BUT his last name was Castle. PEACH CASTLE.....get it? *Swoon* such an epic couple!
I then created Olivia's birthday cake based on Peter Rabbit, shes had 4 cakes now, her birthdays and a christening! I also filmed the Peter Rabbit cake as a tutorial which I've popped below.
Thanks guys! See you soon x